Page 101 - Boletín Ene Feb 2019
P. 101
1. “A new method of determining the parallax of the Sun” Edmond Halley.
Traducción del latín original en Abridged Transactions of the Royal Society, 6 :243-
249 (1809).
2. “Account of a determination of the Solar Parallax from observations of Mars,
made at Ascension in 1877” David Gill.
Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society 46:1-172 (1881).
3. "Adress - Delivered by the President on presenting the Gold Medal of the So-
ciety to Mr. David Gill", John R. Hind.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 42:216-221 (1882).
4. “Gill´s work on the Determination of the Solar Parallax”.
Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa, 2:85-89 (1943).
5. “The new planet DQ”, Andrew Crommelin.
The Observatory, 21:370-375 (1898).
6. “Reduction of 295 Photographs of Eros made at Nine Observatories during the
period 1900 November 7-15, with a determination of the Solar Parallax”, Arthur R.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 64:701-727 (1904).
7. “Adress - Delivered by the President, Frank Dyson, on presenting the Gold Medal
of the Society to Mr. A. R. Hinks”.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 72:352-365 (1912).
8. “Quest for the Astronomical Unit”, Trudy E. Bell.
Journal of the Antique Telescope Society, 26:20-26 (2004).
Nota de la Redacción: Este artículo corresponde a un trabajo original, y ha sido preparado
en forma íntegra por nuestro consocio Patricio León, quien ha realizado todo el proceso
de investigación, recopilación y redacción del material que aquí se presenta.
ACHAYA 101 Ene — Feb 2019